Author: Amanda Milgrom

Colorado Legislature’s Changes to the Employment Landscape in 2023

2023 saw Colorado’s legislature pass a series of new employment laws that have continued to shore up employee-friendly laws across the state. These include changes to the Colorado Equal Pay for Equal Work Act (CEPEWA), the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act, the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplace Act (CHFWA), and the Colorado


Do Colorado Courts Still Enforce Liquidated Damages Provisions?

Do Colorado courts still enforce liquidated damages provisions? When are such provisions enforceable? As a litigator, I notice this is a frequent topic of conversation among my transactional attorney friends when they are drafting contracts with no real consensus. So, what does Colorado law say?


Can Vaccination Requirements be Enforced in the Workplace?

As COVID-19 continues to rage across the country, the question of vaccines – and whether they can be imposed on an individual or not – is a hotly debated topic. Folks have strong opinions on both sides of the discussion. Some stand for individual liberties, arguing the individual’s choice is


What is the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020?

Trademark practitioners, it is time to get excited! Trademark applicants? Registrants? You can get excited, too! The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the office that decides who can own the rights to a mark, word, or design logo, has proposed long-needed changes to the trademark rules of practice